Unless otherwise stated on your invitation, we are sadly unable to accommodate additional guests or plus ones at this time. We thank you for understanding that we would like to keep our wedding as an intimate event with close friends and family!
While we love all your children, this will be an adult only event. The only exception will be the children a part of our wedding party. We hope you take this opportunity to have a fun night with your significant other!
We kindly ask that no one wear colors traditionally reserved for the bride such as white, ivory, or cream shades of color. Our wedding party will be wearing hunter green, so to avoid any confusion you will also want to avoid that color! No jeans or shorts please!
We are requesting Black-tie optional attire. For the men- options include a tux, or the classic suit and tie. For the ladies-this means a floor length gown, cocktail dress or a dressy pantsuit. We want our guests to look and more importantly feel their best!
We love photos, however we do ask you refrain from taking them during the ceremony! That way our photographer has no obstacles in their way. For the reception you are welcomed and encouraged to take photos! We will be using a service that will sent you photo-idea prompts, and will allow you to automatically upload all photos you want to a link that everyone will have access to at the end of the night.