We have reserved a hotel room block. Please call to make a reservation and ask for the Campagna & Dwyer Wedding Block to receive the discounted rate. If booking after April 21st, please inquire with Samantha Reyes at Hotel Indigo if she can accommodate discounted rate and if rooms are available. Shuttle transportation will be provided for all hotel guests. Giorgio’s Shuttle will be departing Hotel Indigo East End at 4:30pm and then again at 5:10pm. Please be in the lobby 3-5 minutes before these times so that the shuttle can leave on time. If you need to go back to leave Giorgio’s at any point during the wedding the shuttle will be available by request. Please seek a Maitre D’ and they will accommodate you with shuttle transportation back to Hotel Indigo. The shuttle will be available all evening until 1:45am to return guests back to the hotel.