Maid of Honor
Audrey and Erin were freshman roommates at UC Davis and, despite learning they should never live together again, became instant best friends! They are each other's go-to for adventure, but often find themselves on accidental romantic dates, such as long walks, sunset gazing, or picnics with a view. Throughout their friendship, Erin noticed similarity after similarity between Audrey and Jacob, so of course she had plans to set the two up! It only makes perfect sense that months later, Erin would fall for Jacob herself, the male version of Audrey. Audrey would later hide behind a tree to capture the moment Jacob asked Erin to marry him.
Matron of Honor
Clare and Erin met on the 6th grade basketball team when they were only 12 years old. Their surprisingly great chemistry on the court eventually translated to an incredible best friendship that has since blossomed for over a decade. Their friendship is built upon their mutual love for dark chocolate, running for fun, and all the boy talk as teenagers. Erin stood by Clare as the Maid of Honor at her wedding; now, she is excited to marry Jacob with Clare as the Matron of Honor at her wedding!
Ashley and Erin were both involved in Asian American Christian Fellowship (AACF) at UC Davis when Erin, a brand new freshman, received a friend request from Ashley, a sophomore. Having never met before, Erin wondered, "Who the heck is this?!" Facebook revealed they had several mutual AACF friends, so Erin accepted. Their paths never crossed until the end of that school year, but instantly, Erin was impressed with Ashley's love for Winnie the Pooh and comfort with sharing poop stories- two ingredients for a lifelong friendship!
Best Man
Tim, Jacob, and Erin have been best friends since high school. They know each other better than they know themselves- Jacob and Erin bet Tim $50 in high school that he would marry his now wife, Clare, and Tim shipped Jacob and Erin long before Erin knew any feelings existed. Now, Jacob and Tim often find themselves in some sort of board game battle... did someone say Root?
Erin met Will less than a year ago, at his own wedding! She credits Will as the reason she decided to watch How I Met Your Mother, a show that Jacob had gotten Will hooked on years earlier during their time as college roommates. One day, Jacob and Will will tell their kids stories of how they met their mothers. It will be legen-- wait for it-- dary.
Father of the Flower Girl, oh, and also Jacob's older brother! Pictured is one of their many competitions on Disneyland's Astro Blasters. Jon won, but Jacob always thought it was a little unfair since Jon was trained by the Marines, and the only training Jacob ever had was from Call of Duty.
Flower Girl
Jacob's niece turned into Erin's biggest fan!
A much fancier version of Tim.