Almost 4.5 years ago, fate and two swipes to the right brought Erica Cajamarca and Chelsea Clemons together. They went from complete strangers, to "friends" 😉, to inseparable companions in life and love!
Enjoy photos from our journey!
View from the TOP in Brookly, NY
At a dear friend's wedding in Mexico February 2020. Just before COVID Pandemic changed everything.
Painting date while in Scottsdale, AZ in December 2019.
The family that naps together lasts together.
About to have fun in the City (This was before furbabies).
Hiking at South Mountain Land Reservation in New Jersey!
The day we welcomed Winston into our hearts and lives! #FirstBorn June 2, 2020.
One of our favorite and near daily hiking trails at Echo Lake Park.
Trip to Napa Wine Country April 2022
Just goofing in the house before a #DaytimeDate
Newest Addition to the Family Baby Bailey Born August 30, 2022.