April 1, 2023
Yes. Beach Formal.
Yes! Crate & Barrel and at Amazon.com You can find details on our registry page.
Sorry, we are limiting children to immediate family only.
If you do not have a plus one already allotted on the RSVP page and you need one, please contact the brides and we will get a plus one added.
We are staying at the Playcar Palace All Inclusive Resort. You can check our travel page for further recommendations as we find other hotel options that we can stand behind.
Yes. Transportation will be departing from Playacar Palace Resort on June 18, 2023 at 3:45 PM to take guests to the wedding venue. There will be two return transports one at 10PM and a second at Midnight.
When you RSVP please answer the dietary restriction question to inform us of any you may have.
Yes. You can take a taxi directly to the venue or private transport of your choice. Blue Venado - Beach Weddings. We will be offering transport from our hotel Playacar Palace - All Inclusive Resort
Our wedding will be hosted on a private beach during summer, so you can expect warm and humid weather!