December 5, 2020
Florence, AL

We're getting married!



Got an invite in the mail? Please visit the RSVP page to let us know if you'll be attending!

Saturday, October 24, 2020


1:00 pm

1-209 Jackson Barracks, WAVA Room, New Orleans, LA 70117

Casual Attire: Anything goes!

Registry: www.zola.com/wedding/castagnetta/registry RSVP: Call or text Jay Castagnetta at (985) 630-2074, or email him at thecastagnettas@gmail.com

Friday, December 4, 2020

Rehearsal Dinner

5:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Pickett Place
438 North Seminary Street, Florence, AL 35630

Casual Attire: Anything goes, from jeans to sweaters, to your favorite band tee.

**This event is strictly the bride’s and groom’s parents, siblings, and the wedding party.** Extra seats/food will not be available for additional guests and they will kindly be asked to leave.

Saturday, December 5, 2020


4:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Semi-formal: Dresses, nice sweaters, jumpsuits, button-down shirts, slacks.

The health and safety of our loved ones will always be our top priority. We have made many adjustments to our wedding plans in an effort to minimize crowding and the potential spread of germs. A few examples of these adjustments include wearing face masks in close settings and maintaining an appropriate distance from others while unmasked. We sincerely appreciate your understanding and help in keeping others safe on our special day.

For all the days along the way
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