December 5, 2020
Florence, AL

We're getting married!


Josh Castagnetta


Blair Roberts



December 5


How We Met

"Hey, stranger."

Flashback to Buckhorn High School—Josh had a crush on the new girl, but never found the right moment to act on it. After graduation, both went off to college: Josh left for Colorado Springs where he attended the US Air Force Academy and Blair pursued her marketing degree at the University of North Alabama in Florence. After a few years, Josh returned to the South. To his surprise, during his time away, Blair had made her way into his long-time friends' group. One message from her is all it took and the rest is history.

The Proposal

"You look fine."

Josh had a full day planned to celebrate Blair's birthday. Seeing as it fell during the coronavirus pandemic, he had to get creative. A sweet picnic by the water with a hand-made reserved sign, new windowsill planters for Blair's herbs, a surprise fishing trip during the afternoon, and the BIG question. After the fishing trip, they returned home. While Josh was coordinating plans, Blair was changing into pajamas. "Let's go on a sunset walk!" After a few instances of "You look fine" and "Let's just go", Josh finally convinced her to go to the Riverwalk where there were rose petals, candles, and another hand-made sign that said "Castagnetta—Party of 2" overlooking the water.

For all the days along the way
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