August 26, 2023
Strongsville, OH

Carrie & Robert

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

This crazy group is our friends who will be walking with us down the aisle and helping celebrate our special day.

Taylor Seman

Maid of Honor

I first met Carrie when she started at Danbury, Robert was deployed at the time so I hadn’t got to meet him yet. Carrie and I really hit it off and she became one of my best friends! My favorite memories are our weekly girls night, which are always an adventure! I’m honored to be able to stand by their side on their special day, I’m so happy for both of you!

Paige Mayle


Carrie and I have been best friends for the last 13 years! My favorite memory of us is going to Friday night football games and then hitting up Applebees afterwards! I’m so happy she found her happy ending and can’t wait to stand by her side for her special day!

Liz Piskura


I’ve known Carrie since we were in middle school together! I am so beyond excited for you both! Her and Robert are a perfect fit! Congrats!!

Mackenzie Foster


I’ve known Carrie and Robert since we worked at journeys together! They’re absolutely the best people to be around and I’m so happy they found each other! Can’t wait to stand by your side!

Jessica Kusner


Hello! I’m Jessica and I’ve known Carrie since 2017 when I took over Journeys Kidz #7042. I met Carrie my very first day starting at the store. Since that day we’ve had a wild ride together and I wouldn’t change a thing of it. We’ve cried together over stupid boys in the stock room, spent long nights working putting up shoes, random adventures shopping and influencing each other to spend all our money on clothes and shoes, going out to Corkey’s for karaoke, late nights at Barrio, and everything in between. Carrie started out as a co-worker I met on my first day to one of my closest friends and biggest supporters through everything since the day we met. We’ve gone though so much since that day and I wouldn’t change a thing and so beyond happy to be by her side on her wedding day 🤍 Crazy to think the first time she met Robert was when he came in to buy shoes when we were working together one day. I did tell her if he was weird we could tag team it and I’ll make her “busy” and we can get him out of the store and here we are.

Chelsea Barker


I met Carrie while working my very first STNA job and I’ve been following her around ever since. Girl’s night is never boring with her around! She’s added so much happiness to my life and I can’t wait to be a part of her and Robert’s special day!

Joe Goff


Roberts uncle. So happy to be able to celebrate this special day with you both!

Daniel Woods


Congrats! I’m honored to stand next to these two on their day! Im happy Robert found someone that can put him in his place when needed! For real, happy for you guys!

Austin Brian


Carrie’s cousin. I’m glad she found someone worth putting up with for life! Congrats y’all!!

TJ Borgemann


Honored to be apart of their special day. I wish you both nothing but happiness! Congrats!

Fred Esquilin


Longtime friend- Knowing there is a human amazing enough to put up with Robert!!! I to will love her forever! Congratulations I can't wait celebrate with y'all!!

For all the days along the way
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