Maid of Honor
A note to Tina: Tina, my life long best friend whom I just so happen to share blood with, I have been lucky enough to have known you since birth! I may have not always known just how lucky I was but looking back at 29 years of holidays, birthday parties, Halloweens, Jersey Shore family vacations, and even Friday night dinners at Gs- I now know just how lucky I truly am. Thank you for being my shoulder to cry on from preschool to now. We may be a entire country apart, but I know we are never far apart at heart since we both have a little bit of G in us. Thank you for always letting me chose a character first, except that one time.. (and it still bit you in the ass!) Cool is Can, Sweet is Tina, Awesome is us, BCFL.
Maid of Honor
A note to Chelsea: Chels, I cannot believe we're here! You have stuck with me through all the losers and now you were a part of my PROPOSAL! Life is so crazy, I am so happy to have you for the ride. You always make me laugh, and never let a day go by without checking in, and for that I will be forever grateful. I know I can text/ call you at anytime with anything and that is something so special that not everyone has in a best friend. Thank you for 14 years of crying at Taylor Swift concerts, horrible reality MTV shows, MySpace photoshoots, Disney trips, crazy (unsuccessful on my end) diets, Soul Cycle classes, but mostly for hanging out for hours on end and never getting sick of each other. I'll always count on you..
Best Man
Best Man