DIRECTIONS If traveling from New York City, please take the train from New York Penn Station [NJ Transit] to Morristown NJ [Morris/ Essex Line ~ 1 HOUR 4 MINUTES]. Once you arrive, you can take a taxi [Uber/ Lyft] 7 MINUTES to the Hotel or Venue. PLEASE BOOK YOUR ROOM BEFORE NOVEMBER 12th! Please use the link provided below to book your discounted hotel room ($139 per night - if more $$ or nights not available, please call hotel). If you prefer to book over the phone call 973-867-3369 and say you are with the Ciasullo-Yearwood Wedding. SHUTTLE Free shuttles will be provided from the hotel to the venue and from the venue back to the hotel at the end of the night. The shuttle will depart from the hotel at 2:30 PM. CHECK-IN/ OUT Check-in is at 3 PM although please call and request an early check-in and the hotel may be able to accommodate. Check-out on Tuesday is 12 PM.
Discount Code - Ciasullo-Yearwood Wedding