Click "View" for a direct link or call the hotel and reference the "Clifford-Hemming Wedding" Must book before July 26, 2021 Room Rates (excluding taxes): $149 - Single/Double $179 - Triple $209 - Quad
Discount Code - Group Code: WF6
House Or Rental
If booked far enough in advance, Airbnb can offer some affordable accommodations, especially for larger groups!
We recommend flying into DCA if possible. It is the closest airport to both The Kimpton George (less than 5 miles) and the wedding venue, St Francis Hall (less than 9 miles). As a secondary option, or if you are making accommodations closer to Maryland, we recommend BWI!
BWI is about 35 miles from The Kimpton George and about 30 miles from the wedding venue, St. Francis Hall.