This hotel is about 30 minutes from our wedding venue. It is close to downtown Tallahassee and is located inside Cascades Park.
The double tree is located in downtown Tallahassee. It is 30 minutes from our venue. The DoubleTree has great cookies :)
Located in CollegeTown. This hotel is close to bars and nightlife. This hotel is located next to FSU campus. This hotel is about 30 minutes from our venue.
This hotel is closer to our venue, it is about 20 minutes away from the venue. It is just down the road from Maclay gardens where you can go hiking, or walk through the gardens.
This hotel is about 20 minutes from our venue. This hotel is located in downtown Thomasville, which is a cute little town. Downtown Thomasville is shut down on Sundays so there isn't much to see on Sundays.
Travel Note
It is easy to get an Uber or Ride share out to our venue but it is not easy to get one back into town.
Flying into Tallahassee airport will be the easiest airport to fly in to. It is a small airport so its easy to fly in and out of.