There will be an area on the property for you to park, if needed, a golf cart is available for you to be taken to the ceremony site. If you are planning on drinking and don’t have a DD, please call an Uber or Lift!
We are having an “unplugged” ceremony. This just means we are asking that all phones and devices be put away and on silent/turned off during the ceremony. Why? We’ll we’ve hired a professional to capture some of the most important moments of our lives, and we would hate for a persons device to block the moment. After the ceremony, feel free to take as many photos as you want!
Due to limited food and seating, we are unable to accommodate for anyone who is not an invited guest. Invited guests will be searchable by name on the RSVP form. Those who have not been invited prior to the ceremony will politely be asked to leave.
We love your little ones — we really do. However, due to many factors including space, we respectfully request no children of any ages. We hope you understand and enjoy your night out!
Business Casual: dresses, slacks, khakis, button down shirt, jumpsuits, not too fancy but not jeans. Don't you dare wear any shade of white, ivory, cream, etc.