August 27, 2022
Mocksville, NC

Brooke & Bryce


Bryce Weatherholtz


Brooke Tapley

August 27, 2022

Mocksville, NC

Our Story Told By Brooke

Bryce and I met briefly in the summer of 2018 when he dropped off my brother to meet my sisters and I as we were heading down to Alabama. A few months later, Bryce showed back up at my parents house with my brother, and Bryce managed to get my snapchat. From there we continued to talk a lot and eventually we were making plans to hangout. We went on a few "dates" (in quotation marks because Bryce considered them dates, but I didn't) and on September 26th we had our first kiss after Bryce asked me to be his date to the Marine Corps Ball. A month ish later Bryce was asking me to be his boo and the rest is history!

Our Story told by bryce

We met through Andrew, her brother. I told her she should give me her Snapchat because it would annoy him, but I just thought she was cute. We started talking everyday and after a few weeks and a new puppy, she realized that she thought I was cute too. We have moved to NC and love each other more then ever. She gives me a reason to get up and go to work everyday.

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For all the days along the way
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