May 4, 2024
San Jose, CA

Brian & Kelsi

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Stephanie Low

Matron of Honor

Steph and I met 25 years ago at our swim club, and we have been inseparable ever since. We both attended San Mateo High School and swam our hearts out until we both graduated. We went our separate ways during college but we still kept in touch every day to see what we were up to. One of my favorite memories with Steph was when we both took a trip to Disneyland together for the first time. We didn’t know what we were doing at first, but with a little help from our parents helping plan our trip, we were able to enjoy the weekend at the happiest place on earth. Steph has always been there by my side whenever I need a helping hand. She always has the best advice and is someone I can always depend on.

Mika Chong


Mika is my younger cousin and I have known her my whole life. Being 11 years apart and both only child’s, she has always been like a little sister to me. Mika is my mini me and always knows how to make you laugh and has a calm personality. As we grew up, we love spending holidays and birthdays together, and we also love to hang out at the mall and go on walks to starbucks during the summer. One of my favorite memories of Mika is when took a family trip to Japan in 2017. We had a lot of fun experiencing Japan together, eating delicious foods and laughing our hearts out. One of my favorite memories during that trip was when Mika was on the hunt for strawberry milk. She eventually found it toward the end of our trip and was so happy, I will never forget the big smile she had on her face.

Amy Yanari


Amy and I met 7 years ago when Brandon (Brian’s brother) introduced me to Amy. She has a great laugh and always knows how to make you smile. One of my fondest memories of Amy was when we both went to get our nails done together. It was right before the pandemic hit, but it was a great time getting to know her better and having a little girl time together. I enjoy our late night talks, talking about anything and everything and Amy is someone who always lends a helping hand.

Sydney Shiroyama


Sydney and I go way back when we first met at the Palo Alto Buddhist Temple back when we were little girls. We attended Dharma School, and Jr. YBA together and we also went to church camp down in LA. Sydney has always been like a big sister to me, helping me out whenever I needed it and I always adored her love and talent for arts and crafts. As the years passed, we went our separate ways in college, and eventually found ourselves playing in the same taiko group called Taiko SOBA! We would teach other different songs and have fun playing together as a group, and enjoyed each other's company.

Megan O'Rilley


Megan and I met at Sonoma State University. Our dorms were right across from each other and little did we now that we would end up living together our last two years in college. As the year’s passed, we got to know each other better and enjoyed talking about our interests and things we had in common. We would have night study sessions, as I would find Megan’s flashcards all over the apartment, go to starbucks and panda express when we wanted a snack and talked about the latest Disneyland update dreaming about our next trip. Megan and I also have a love for gel manicure nails as we would talk about what design or color to get whenever we got our nails done. Toward the end of our college years, our last year we ended up living with Anna and we had a blast! Those were the best years of my life living together and will always have a special place in my heart.

Anna Lehmer


Just like Megan, Anna and I also met at Sonoma State University as she lived in the same dorm as Megan. The first time I met Anna was during move-in weekend. We ran into each other on campus about 5 times that day not knowing that we would be living together our last year in college. We would meet up for breakfast before we went to class, spend endless afternoon’s studying and hanging out in the sun by the pool and just enjoying each other’s company. We would also try to coordinate when to eat lunch and dinner together as Anna was my meal buddy. Anna would always seek advice from me as I would try to give her the best advice I could. After our first two years at SSU, we ended up living with Megan as the three of us lived in an apartment during our last year in college and it was a blast! It was a time I will never forget.

Quinn Tanimoto

Flower Girl

Quinn is my cousin's daughter. She has a lot of energy with a cute and spunky personality at the age of 4 going on 14. She loves Disneyland just as much as me and loves going on all of the Disney rides. One of my favorite memories of Quinn was when she was playing "I Spy" with Uncle Brian in Downtown Disney. She was shy at first, but once she warmed up to us, she was happy and excited. I can't wait to see her grow up!

Brandon Yanari

Best Man

Brandon is my brother. He has been a big part of my life in giving guidance and advice. We grew up living together in San Jose and then found ourselves back under the same roof in Palo Alto. Brandon and I enjoy watching Warriors games, eating delicious foods, spending time with family, and toasting with a glass of whisky. We have gone on many adventures and trips together that were filled with good eats and good vibes. One of my favorite trips was traveling to Seattle for our Aunties birthday. I feel honored to have Brandon as my best man on my Big Day!

David Doi


My cousin David and I have always been close. We have a lot in common when it comes to shared interests and hobbies. We have rooted for the Golden State Warriors together through the stressful times and very much through the fun winning seasons. One of my favorite memories is when we traveled to Japan with our families. Somehow we managed to get around by ourselves to find the local shops and food spots.

Adam Hayashi


Some say we look alike, but only in the face and definitely not in the height. Along with our cousin David, Adam and I have gone on many adventures to food spots, Japantown, and Warriors games. We have a lot in common as we both are pretty chill human beings who enjoy many things in life. Adam has always been there for me and always willing to help out and support wherever is needed.

Glensen Estonilo


Glensen and I first met at our past workplace, The Children's Discovery Museum in San Jose. We instantly clicked as we worked together as Program Specialists. We share common interests such as music, fashion, art, and career paths. Glensen is very genuine, always looking out and thinking of other people. One of my favorite memories is eating at Gyu Kaku on many occasions with friends.

Auggie Martinez


Like Glensen, Auggie and I met at The Children's Discovery Museum as well. We had different positions but managed to find our way to chat and “bother” each other in our working exhibits and on breaks. Auggie is one of the funniest people I know who always keeps the laughs going and the vibes right. I am glad we still connect to this day and hang out with our friends from The CDM.

Casey O'Connell


I feel like Casey and I have known eachother for most of our life. We first met at The Palo Alto Buddhist Temple together and hit it off. We have bonded about music, video games, shoes, and adventures. Casey and I have attended many youth group trips together through church. We have traveled to San Luis Obispo, Disneyland, and some concerts as well. One of my favorite memories is playing drums together in our church band Bad Karma.

For all the days along the way
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