May 4, 2024
San Jose, CA

Brian & Kelsi


Brian Yanari


Kelsi Kobara


May 4, 2024

San Jose, CA

Our Disney Fairytale

To Infinity And Beyond 5.4.22

https://starwarsintrocreator.kassellabs.io/#!/ENr-ruF9w5zQgOxKBAQY The Proposal Kelsi: A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away… ✨ Two little kids met at Palo Alto buddhist temple. We were only 4 and 5 back then, running around without a care in the world not knowing what was yet to come. Next thing we know, we're finishing high school, graduating college, dating in our early 20s and now in the working world. Back in 2012, Kelsi didn’t know what that year had in store for her and little did she know that Brian would ask her to be his girlfriend! A girl from Foster City and a boy from San Jose, two different sides of the bay, come together as one and ready to play! On May 4th, 2012 was the first day to our forever! Fast forward 10 years later, on May 4th, 2022 Brian asked the one question that Kelsi has dreamt of as a little girl! I SAID YESSS! I will be your fiancé 💍 Now we’re engaged! I can’t wait to walk down the aisle and call you my husband one day! I am excited to walk through this journey together and experience new things that are yet to come!!! Brian: Met when we was like 4 or 5 Hi Im Brian, want a Hi-Five? Years and years of being best friends To our early days and then into our tens Now in the twentys, do you want to go out? Sure we can see what this is about Adventures, date nights, day trips, and events Trying new foods, jobs, and new presidents 10 years together, we got an announcement to make This is a serious one and definitely not fake On the Anniversary, the 4th of May Grabbing your hand, I have something to say! I Love You So Much and I want this in Life For us to be together and you to be my wife Got down on one knee Will you marry me? Shaking and Nervous, but she did say YES! Weight off my shoulders, the relief of my stress Girlfriend no more, but a new term you see Now she is my Fiancee to me Thank You for all you do, excited for this journey Forever Yours, Faithfully Don’t Worry I Love You To Infinity & Beyond, Were the perfect fit Yeah, so were engaged now if you didn't get it On May 4th, 2022, Brian told Kelsi a little white lie. He forgot something at church and had to go pick it up. Kelsi said ok, and off we went! We walked through the door into the hallway holding hands, Kelsi entered the Hondo (Main Hall) and sees Pink and Gold confetti on the ground. She becomes curious and notices that they are in the shape of Mickey Mouse. Brian grabs her hand and gets down on one knee, he's nervous but also very calm you see. He express his love, appreciation, and support to ask the question that will continue their Disney Fairytale Love Story. Kelsi was shocked with emotions, smiles and tears, and said Yes without hesitation. Getting engaged on our Ten Year Anniversary at our second home will forever have a special place in our hearts.

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