November 9, 2019
Fayetteville, Arkansas

Jeremy & Brandy

    FAQs & Crap

FAQs & Crap

The Wedding Website of Jeremy Allen and Brandy Bangs
If you have any questions beyond what we've listed here, please call/text Brandy at 479-531-0056 or Jeremy at 859-492-9039.

Do bears poo in the woods?


Yes, and black bears still do so in many remote areas of the Ozark Mountains. In fact, Arkansas' nickname was once "The Bear State." Luckily, the most dangerous creatures roaming around our wooded farm these days are our four male juvenile humans, and a killer Yorkie with a Napoleon complex.


How do the boys get along?


Really well. Even before we were "officially" dating, the boys were friends (William and Jasper have been in the same MMA class for over a year now) and would joke about us getting married, asking when they would be brothers. They already talk to and about each other as brothers (when it suits them, of course). They play together, fight together, and fiercely love each other every day, just like brothers. When they are apart, they are asking about each other. When they are together, they're an unstoppable tsunami-grade force. In all the best and worst ways. ;)


Are you two really as awesome a couple as you seem? I mean...really?


Yes. Yes, we are.


What are your plans for the future?


Survival. Day by day. I mean, it's not so much a plan as...a hope. But seriously, folks...we will survive with humor, love, and a lot of prayer. We've learned to keep the most important things the most important things, and to let the rest go when needed. In practice, we aren't always the best at this, but it's a goal. One of the biggest challenges for us to this point has been reconciling our differences in parenting philosophies. We see eye to eye on most things, which is truly remarkable for people at our stage in life. And we are learning to relax a bit on the few areas in which we do disagree. The boys are adjusting to this as well. We are all settling into the mindset of being on the same team. We're in this together. Forming a blended family may not be easy, but what sort of family is? We're keeping love at the center, teaching our boys to always have each others' backs, and trying (trying) to model the cooperative attitude we want them to grow into.


What are your favorite things to do together?


Brandy and Jeremy like to eat a lot of pie together while catching each other up on funny memes and movies from our childhood that the other has somehow made it through life to this point without seeing. Brandy is teaching Jeremy to dance, and Jeremy is teaching Brandy to play the piano. We also like camping and working outdoors together. The boys spend just about every afternoon on the trampoline and in the trees. Or, when the weather is nasty, playing with beyblades, pokemon cards, or other toys similarly designed to endlessly annoy parents. The boys are also into soccer and MMA (mixed martial arts -- primarily kickboxing and brazilian jiu-jitsu). We're basically training them to be killing machines.


Do you have any quirks that annoy one another?


Brandy has no annoying qualities. Obviously. But, if she did...one might be the salt-to-food ratio in her diet. I mean, this wouldn't really be annoying, unless she didn't finish all the food on her plate and then offered the remaining salt-ridden "food" to Jeremy. Hypothetically. Jeremy is annoying all the time, so I'm not sure how we can really address this question as it relates to him.


What special attributes do you each have that contribute to your quintessential partnership?


Why, what a flattering way to ask that question. Let's think of just a few... Brandy is "refreshingly" honest and always willing to share her opinion. She is very generous with her leftovers. She's also excellent at being carried (her spirit animal is a spider monkey). Jeremy is a willing and enthusiastic baker and ice cream consumerrr--I mean... maker. When it comes to leftovers, he's practically a human garbage disposal; the man hates wasting food. He's also very good at carrying things (his spirit animal is a mule).


Just how much older than Jeremy is Brandy?


Shut up.

For all the days along the way
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