Witness the epic life story of the legendary Shawnee leader as he struggles to defend his sacred homelands in the Ohio country during the late 1700’s. The 2023 Season runs June 17-Sept 3. The huge, outdoor stages of the Sugarloaf Mountain Amphitheatre afford the audience a unique viewing experience. Sit beneath the stars as sheer spectacle surrounds you with a herd of galloping horses, live military cannon in action, and the most dazzling battle sequences offered on the American stage. Often emulated within the outdoor drama industry, TECUMSEH! continues to set the standard for innovative production techniques. Bring your family to TECUMSEH! in 2023 and make memories to last a lifetime!
Experience the thrill of throwing an axe at a wooden target at Southern Ohio Axe Throwing! Before you ask....YES, it is safe! We will have one of our experienced and highly trained Axeperts with you at all times - they will monitor your throws for safety, and guide you through the entire process to make you a pro in no time!
Grandpa Joe’s is home to over 250 candy bars and over 100 bulk candies. FILLED WALL TO WALL to ceiling WITH EVERY CANDY YOU CAN IMAGINE. Plus… We have hundreds of glass bottle soda pops and novelty gift items. Need a gift for someone who’s difficult to buy for? Look no further than Grandpa Joe’s!
Bowling Is America’s #1 Participation Activity with over 70 million people bowling each year. Shawnee Lanes is dedicated to providing the BEST ENTERTAINMENT VALUE in Chillicothe, OH. Our modern bowling center has kid friendly bumper bowling lanes available too. We also have plenty of lightweight bowling balls and small shoes for kids. Whether you’re looking just to bowl a couple games by yourself, an outing with friends and family or you want to join a bowling league, Shawnee Lanes is the place to be. For Open Bowling times, holiday rates and specials call Shawnee Lanes at (740) 773-3300 *** Friday nights they have cosmic bowling with music and black lights! Call ahead to reserve a lane!
Canoeing, kayaking, camping! This is one of my favorite things to do in Chillicothe! Waters edge provide everything you need to have a great time! I would just suggest checking their website for water levels before making this part of your day!