September 3, 2023
Sonoma, CA

Victoria & Julian

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Meet the people who will stand in the spotlight with us!

Julia Ayeni

Maid of Honor

Julia is Victoria's younger sister and Maid of Honor. Only 18 months apart in age, Victoria and Julia are naturally very close. They grew up doing everything together - from Girl Scout camps, to riding their bikes to swim practice, Dance Team competitions, and reluctantly crushing soda cans in the backyard to exchange for cash during the summers; Victoria and Julia have truly done it all together! And Victoria is especially happy that they both finally live in the same city. Julia is Victoria's duet partner, comedy queen, and other half (sorry Julian). No one knows Victoria better or makes her laugh harder, and Julia always knows the right thing to say to Victoria during her times in need. As kids, they would stage pretend weddings in the bedroom they shared. Decades later, it is no longer just pretend, and Julia is still right there with Victoria.

Jeremy Day

Best Man

Jeremy is Julian's older brother and has been his biggest influence from (literally) day one. Jeremy always set the gold standard in life that Julian tried his best to emulate. Whether it was becoming an Eagle Scout, being an athlete early on with their tall, awkward build, or playing the Tin Man in local theatre, Julian always followed suit. While they may not live next door to each other anymore, Jeremy and Julian are as close as ever. Julian was Jeremy's Best Man, and he can't imagine anyone but Jeremy being his Best Man.

Tricia Brooks


It all began with matching unicorn shoes in Mrs. McDonald's kindergarten class! Tricia and Victoria have been best friends since kindergarten, and not a thing has changed ... including the fact that Tricia still dots her "I"s with little hearts over them! When Victoria and Tricia get together they resort back to their giggly silly selves. While Bridesmaid Mickie was off being cool as a cucumber in middle school, Tricia and Victoria were busy rocking lime green and pink braces and not understanding why their crushes didn't like them back! In addition to the laughter they share, Victoria loves Tricia's ability to find joy in everything, to be genuinely kind to everyone, and to be steadfast in pursuing her passions. They have shared countless experiences, including but not limited to, 80s limos in San Francisco on NYE, many many nights of dress-up, and letting Julian come on their couple's trip to Tulum, Mexico! Victoria is so excited to have Tricia there as she walks down the runway (aka the aisle).

Brandon Whitney


Brandon and Julian met in college in 2011 when they both pledged Delta Chi. The two were walking to the house for dinner one day as freshmen and realized neither of them had figured out who they were planning to live with the following year, and thus an inseparable relationship began. Over the next three years, they realized just how much they had in common and would go on to do everything together. Brandon joined Julian as a business major, they joined the same professional fraternity, played the same sports, and even had the exact same class schedule Senior year (which might explain the "slight" grade dip that year). Julian will always consider Brandon as his brother and couldn't imagine this day without him by his side.

Sonia Bernick


It was 2009, the summer before college. After UC Irvine sent the names of Victoria's random-roommates-to-be, indicating that her freshman dorm room had been changed from a double to a triple, Victoria first messaged Sonia (on what she did not know was Sonia's 18th birthday), saying very matter-of-factly that she was not taking either of the bunkbeds in their dorm room...! And (surprisingly) the two have been best friends ever since! Victoria and Sonia lived together in college, they started "Waffle Fridays" together, they jammed to the slapz together, they commiserated together when they were presidents of their respective sororities, they laughed at ridiculously silly things together, they complained about life and gossiped together, they lived together in Washington D.C., and now get to continue the fun in Sonia's home-city of San Francisco! It was never a question whether they would be each other's bridesmaids, and Victoria is thrilled to have Sonia stand by her side.

Alexander Cooper


Alex is one of Julian's oldest college friends as the two lived in the same Freshman year dorm. Alex also ended up joining Delta Chi with Julian and as the two tallest guys in their pledge class, they always stood next to each other at the end of the line during "Line Ups." This led to a lot of close bonding over many "fun" activities that year. They remained housemates all through college and had the fortune of reconnecting after college when Alex moved to San Francisco and they lived together once again on Beulah Street. Alex and Julian did their best to perfect the SF lifestyle, attending many costume parties (not just Halloween), watching the Giants play the Cubs in healthy rivalry, late night runs to The Ice Cream Bar, and fighting the good fight against evil landlords. Alex has since gone on to grad school, but the two always find time to connect. Julian knew he could not celebrate this occasion without his other Beulah Boy.

Mickie Miller


Mickie and Vickie have been best friends since kindergarten (with Bridesmaid Tricia). Growing up, Mickie always set the trends, was involved in the coolest things, and was the smartest student; all of which motivated young Victoria to be the best version of herself. Up until they parted ways to go to law school and graduate school, they had gone to every school together: Bobcats, Spartans, Eagles, and Anteaters! Victoria and Mickie had many adventures in NorCal, SoCal, and various parts of Europe. Mickie has been there for Victoria during every imaginable life event, good or bad. Whether Mickie lived across the world in Amsterdam, Lake Como, and Dublin, or whether she was sitting with Victoria in their shared living room in Newport Beach, Mickie has been Victoria's rock and confidante. Victoria sent Mickie a picture of Julian shortly after meeting him. Victoria knew that when Mickie responded with a heart-eyes-emoji, that Julian was a keeper! Victoria could not imagine a life without her "ickie" twin as her bridesmaid.

Trevor Burns


Trevor and Julian met Sophomore year of college when Trevor joined Julian, Brandon, and Alex in the Fraternity. With both having roots in upstate New York, Julian knew he and Trevor were going to have a lot in common. Trevor and Julian share a love for music that they continue to discuss to this day, with Trevor regularly recommending incredibly obscure groups that are somehow exactly what Julian likes. Being far away from home during college, it was difficult for Julian to return to his family for many school breaks such as Thanksgiving. Fortunately, the Burns family welcomed Julian into their home with open arms on a regular basis. Julian became close with Trevor and his extended Canadian family and will always consider them his Family from The North.

Ciara Ramm


Victoria's mom calls Ciara her "third daughter," because Ciara and Victoria were inseparable for most of their lives. Ciara and Victoria were brought together by the beauty of sports! Together they were on the soccer team and swim team. Even though 7th grade Victoria dressed like a Lizzie McGuire-wannabe and 7th grade Ciara dressed like she was in Good Charlotte, they knew that without the labels, each was the best friend a girl could ask for. Once high school started, they spent all of their time together outside of sports. They had sleepovers on most weeknights, they would go shopping together (especially at 2 a.m. on Black Friday), they studied for French together, they even joined Madrigals Choir together, and they were queens at finding fun without any money to their names! On more occasions than Victoria can count, Ciara has dropped what she was doing to drive to Victoria's house in an instant if something was wrong, or if they just wanted to share a funny story with each other from the night before. Victoria is so happy that Ciara will similarly be there with her on her wedding day.

Sadev Parikh


Sadev and Julian met in college when he joined the fraternity. They immediately bonded over their mutual ability to joke and laugh about the lowest of low-brow humor and then five minutes later have deep conversations about life, the world, and everything in between. The immediate comfort between them was obvious and sparked a friendship that has remained strong to this day. Sadev and Julian were the only two of their class from the fraternity to move to San Francisco after Graduation. While Julian was returning home, Sadev was entering new territory as a New Jerseyan. Julian, always itching to show off his hometown, showed Sadev the best The Bay had to offer and did his best to turn him into a Warriors fan. While not entirely successful, Sadev does now own an Oakland Raiders jacket, so we'll call it a win. While they now live on opposite coasts, Sadev always lets Julian know every time he's back in SF and the two take every chance they get to grab a beer and catch up. A tradition they know will continue to last forever.

For all the days along the way
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