Reno-Tahoe International Airport (RNO) From the airport, you can rent a car or take the bus. If you rent a car it is a quick 3 hour drive from Reno to Mammoth Lakes. For the bus, there is only one bus per day, it leaves daily at 1:40pm (Reno to Mammoth) and takes approximately 3.5 hours to travel from the Airport to Mammoth Lakes. Return trips are daily at 8:40am (Mammoth to Reno). Check the schedule at: https://www.estransit.com/routes-schedule/395-routes/lone-pine-to-reno/
Mammoth Yosemite Airport (MMH) The following link has the details on how to get into town from this airport: https://www.visitmammoth.com/trip-ideas/airport-transfers-mammoth-lakes/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwgLOiBhC7ARIsAIeetVCHQLR_O4Aj2_D9XptR9_FWbYG1vgh7ktFswNJA4IJD_UHn7mwzp94aAmc4EALw_wcB
Mammoth Mountain Inn We have a discounted room block available through the resort. The discount can be used at two hotels, the Mammoth Mountain Inn and The Village Lodge. We recommend The Mammoth Mountain Inn since it will be directly across from the Venue. The Village Lodge is the preferred option if you want to be close to all the action that Mammoth has on tap.