We have 20 rooms on hold for Oct 14-16. When booking, just let them know you’re with Kennon Kirk party.
Travel Note
We’re hoping to have some limited tent camping spots available on the land for those if you who’d rather just crash and camp! Please let the bride and groom know if you plan to camp so we can be prepared. Bathrooms will be available on the land, as well as some electricity in the shop for charging devices. We just ask that no one has additional campfires beyond the ones we’ll use for the reception.
Travel Note
There will be parking available at the land; however, we are asking everyone to carpool if at all possible to limit the amount of driving on the land.
Travel Note
We have posted a picture under the "Gallery" tab with directions to the land and instructions on where to park. We will have a phone number posted the day of the wedding for people to call if they get lost or have questions.