5:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Attire: casual. See FAQs for more info.
Location: Splash pool, Westin Siray Bay This is our first official event to see all of your beautiful faces. Drinks & appetizers will be provided. Trust us, you'll want to take a buggy to the splash pool. It's quite a hike.
5:00 pm
Attire: see FAQs and read them carefully.
Location: The beach, Westin Siray Bay From 4pm onwards, the Prego bar will serve non-alcoholic drinks to guests. The ceremony will start at 5pm sharp, so please arrive latest 4.45pm. Dinner and the afterparty will follow.
7:00 pm
Location: Prego by the Beach, Westin Siray Bay Buffet dinner (Thai cuisine) and probably some speeches.
10:00 pm
Attire: Feel free to change into a party outfit for this one.
Location: Ballroom, Westin Siray Bay Yes, the ballroom has air conditioning. We've got you.