Our Story They first met in 2019 at Thomas Aquinas College's first New England summer program. He made her mad, she gave him a piece of her mind, but they danced and made up. He decided to enroll in college that same year while she went home to finish high school, so they re-met again during her freshman year and his sophomore year. Fate dictated that they would be "randomly selected" to spend the evening together on October 3, 2020 for the infamous "Dorm Dates" on campus. They bickered like an old married couple, and no sparks flew. Even Grace and Ben's waltz practice wasn't enough to light the flame. In fact, that was the night he boldly declared, "We would never work." Oh, how he would eat those words. She stubbornly denied anything would happen, even as her friends constantly teased her, called her "Mrs. Aldredge," tattooed her arms with certain initials and cupids arrows, and threatened to plan the wedding. But then, slowly but surely, her friends stopped teasing her because it wasn't funny anymore--she really did like him, and so teasing her about it wasn't the same. It took a little longer for him to come around. She languished all Christmas break, determined to "get over it." Due to the school play, they were confined to many hours backstage together. But, luckily, it started giving him some ideas. They got closer again, and he started wondering what would happen if he asked her on a date. The day that sold him was the day he put on a goofy song as they walked to class together. She started dancing, and he danced alongside her, and they danced to the classroom together. It was always the dancing that got them. That was when he made up his mind to go for it. The night after the play, he finally asked her if she wanted to get sushi with him. She was so excited that she said yes, even though fish made her incredibly sick and she knew it. She eventually told him that, so instead they got Panera, cheese that was unregulated by the government of New Hampshire, and watched a purple sunset off a hilltop in the woods. And that was how it all began.