Fayetteville, NY

Anna & Carl

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Kenny Galbraith

Man of Honor

Brett Grogan

Best Man

*Clears throat* For those who don't know me, I am Carl's older and much more handsome brother. I have many fond memories of doing work around the farm and Carl playing swords as Dad and I worked. In all seriousness, Carl and Anna are perfect together. I am so happy for both of them. The push each other to be the best people possible. .FIN.

Ken Galbraith

Father of the Bride

Wow! What a long strange trip it’s been! No one goes into parenthood with any clue how to do it. You set an example, teach right from wrong, and most of all, hope your kids are kind people. People you would want as friends. Anna is one of the kindest, people I know (thank God she takes after her mother). She pours 100% of herself into anything she does. She thinks outside the box. She has a wicked, very dark sense of humor (okay, that one’s on me). We were so blessed the day you came into our lives. Never lose sight of your worth or how much better a place the world is because you’re in it.

Steve Grogan

Father of the Groom

Carl was one of the cutest babies I have ever seen. The cuteness hid the most stubborn child.. It started when we were going church. For instance, we would all be in the car ready to go, and where was Carl? Sitting on the basement steps starring at his “boaters” (loafers) because he didn’t want to wear them. This was every Sunday’s battle! One Sunday he was taking the body of Christ, and when we walked back to the pew he started choking. He announced to the church he was choking on Jesus. A gentleman that was passing the plate happened to have lost an eye ski jumping in the 1932 Olympics in Lake Placid. Carl thought he was a pirate. He repeated over and over, “Dad there is a pirate in church” as I tried to quiet him, but he just got louder. Everyone in church was laughing once again.

Ken Galbraith continued <3

Father of the Bride

Carl fits so seamlessly into our little foursome. If I had to pick someone for my daughter to spend her life with, I couldn’t have hoped for someone better. Carl, when you came into Anna’s life, I felt comfortable stepping aside as the most important man in Anna’s life. I feel she’s in good, safe hands and what more could a father ask for. We’re happy to now have three kids.

Steve Grogan Continued <3

Father of the Groom

That little boy grew up to have an enormous heart for animals and people. I could not be more proud to be his Dad. I love you Carl and I will always be here for you in case you see another pirate. Anna had me at Hello. She walked up to the deck and I could feel her enchanted, positive energy. I looked on her back to see if she had angel or fairy wings on. Needless to say, I loved her the minute I met her. Anna is the kindest, smartest and nicest person. When she loves you, you know you are loved. She is the first one to reach out to help anyone! She gives from her heart and has a positive view on life. She is such a dedicated student, when we go on vacation she is up at 4am to study. .We are the lucky ones because Anna is joining our family. I finally get my girl!

Cindy Galbraith

Mother of the Bride

I am so blessed to have such a wonderful daughter. Anna, you are fun, giving, witty, and big-hearted. You have brought fun and love to our family. We have been through some tough times. It's only made us stronger and better people. "Ohana." Then you brought Carl into your (our) lives. Anna, you found your partner in crime. We now have a second son. We love your wittiness and humor. We welcome you to our family. Love you two so much.

Steve Grogan Continued <3

Father of the Groom

I love the way Anna loves Carl and I love the way Anna loves us. Thank you for joining our family and I look forward to many happy years together.

Patti Grogan

Mother of the Groom

The Higher Powers aligned and said, “Patti needs a challenge”. So in the middle of a thunderstorm my beautiful baby arrived. He needed some time in the Level 3 nursery and was named “Big Mack” because of his 10 pound girth. Carl Patrick McCune Grogan was welcomed to the world. We have had many laughs, cries, disagreements and adventures as a family. I always thought the four of us as a family was all I needed in life. Carl is intelligent, kind, funny and has always an extreme love for animals. Somehow every family animal chose Carl as the favorite. I love Carl for his big heart and his ability to be unique. I love Carl’s ability to communicate and listen. He seeks to understand.

Patti Grogan Continued <3

Mother of the Groom

I am so happy that Anna came into our lives. She is Carl’s true partner and I admire their respect for one another. They are two peas in a pod and a match that could only made possible by The Higher Powers. Carl is a lucky guy to be a part of the Galbraith family - thank you Ken, Cindy, Kenny and Muffin for loving him. Carl has taught me more about life then I think I have taught him. Keep moving forward! I am so proud of you❤️❤️ Love you forever

Carl Grogan


Every day, my first waking moment, I get to look at the most beautiful face, and my last sight before slumber is the same face. Her smile and the love in her eyes makes me feel a sense of peace and harmony I’ve never felt before, At all moments I know her love for me is true, and I live everyday so she can feel the same. Life is better when you share it with someone so dear; Anna is that someone to me.

Anna Galbraith


On August 5th, 2018, I unknowingly met my husband. I remember looking up into his eyes and feeling something I couldn’t describe, and I still can’t. We talked for hours effortlessly. I threatened him with a second date... From there we quickly realized we had something unique. We have been on so many adventures together from kayaking in the Adirondacks to building pillow-forts at home. Carl is my best friend, the love of my life, and my future. I love him more than I know how to express, and I can’t wait to be his wife.

Lazarus and TuVok Grogan

Children of the Bride and Groom

TuVok (left) and Lazarus (right) will not be attending the wedding, as they are guinea pigs and would be terrified. We love them so much, and want to introduce them regardless of their ability to attend.


Wedding Planner

Muffin has been a key part of our wedding planning. I don't know how we could have pulled this off without her expert opinions. She's a little on the pricey side for a wedding planner, but it has been worth every penny. What a good girl.

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