Maid of Honor & Sister of the Bride
Most likely to win a state championship (in her sister's basketball jersey) and break her iPhone the day after getting it.
Best Man & Brother of the Groom
Most likely to become a (half) Iron Man and crave butter & cheese sandwiches.
Maid of Honor
Most likely to be the Popcorn Monitor at RJs and be caught telling you “not to be sorry, but to be a better person.”
Best Man
Most likely to flip off a Ring doorbell and not notice he ran over a wrench with his new bike.
Most likely to know every word to a Jonas Brothers song and send you a thoughtful card on your birthday.
Most likely to be texting during Steve Doyon's class and shank the golf ball into the water and still win money off Andrew.
Most likely to make you a lip syncing video to 'Everybody Talks' and knock your tooth out while playing basketball.
Junior Groomsman & Brother of the Bride
Most likely to get killed by Andy in MineCraft and be gifted an encyclopedia for Christmas.
Most likely to be called 'Mom' and get married to the communal boyfriend.
Most likely to drink de-constructed White Russians and text you when he’s ‘home.’
Guest of Honor
Most likely to sprint to the sound of the Cheese Drawer and give you morning kisses.