Growing up, Stephen earned himself a reputation as a bit of a prankster. While David could recount any number of his mischievous misdeeds as his favorite memory -- from covering himself head-to-toe in shaving cream to sneaking off to swim with some ducks at Disney World -- one in particular sticks in David's mind. One Saturday morning, David was enjoying sleeping in when he suddenly awoke to realize his face was covered in water. After taking a second to process what was happening, David slowly opened his eyelids to reveal Stephen, empty glass in hand, standing there with a rye smile as if to say, "Pretty funny, huh?" Though it wasn't funny in that moment, David now loves to tell this story, among many others where Stephen's comedic instincts were on full display.
As mentioned before, Stephen loves giving hugs. Over the years Andrea has received many of them from Stephen, whether she was expecting them or not. One moment that will stay with Andrea forever is when she and David went to Newburgh for the weekend. As we entered the house, Stephen heard us and completely barreled past David to give Andrea a big hug. Once Mrs. Hamilton let Stephen know that was enough of the hug -- which she often had to do -- he began to retreat back to his drawings and movie. David, now standing in the hallway as if he is chopped liver, called Stephen back to give his big brother a hug. Stephen obliged -- though somewhat halfheartedly -- and then finally returned to the office to draw. Andrea adores Stephen greatly and loves the fact that he will always welcome her with a hug.
Like his big brother, John Paul has always had an affinity for electronics. This offered he and David an opportunity to bond, as both enjoyed video games. John Paul would often timidly open David's door and peak his head in to see what was going on, and David would then invite John Paul in to come in and watch him play. After leaving and reappearing a few times before coming in, John Paul would always eventually overcome his shyness and settle in to watch, sometimes upwards of an hour. Because John Paul can't communicate verbally, David simply enjoyed having his little brother around. This interaction was one of the simple ways the two were able to connect, something David looks back on fondly.
Unlike Stephen, John Paul was much slower to come out of his shell with Andrea. Sweet but shy, he would offer peek-a-boo glances and "thumb-fives". Finding a way to bond with JP was tough, but there was something we both loved doing..... messing with David. John Paul, David and Andrea were in the living room watching the end of an Oklahoma game -- Boomer Sooner! David was reclined in his chair and JP was knelt down by his feet. Andrea started to mess with David's feet, and JP followed suit. Andrea began to rhythmically tap David's foot and John Paul mimicked perfectly. This went on for at least 5 minutes. Andrea wasn't sure who was enjoying themselves more. JP was grinning and laughing, causing a ripple effect to Andrea and then to David. This moment filled Andrea's heart with so much joy and satisfaction. Being able to make John Paul laugh was a joyous occasion, something she hopes to continue to do as a soon-to-be sister.