
Andrea & Michael

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Margaret Dial

Maid of Honor

Margaret (Maggie) is Andi’s baby sister! They’re 9 years apart but as they get older the two have only become closer! Their hobbies include shopping and enjoying boba teas together

Chelsey Kade

Maid of Honor

One of Andi’s best friends dating back to high school days. They even lived together during their mid 20’s! Countless nights spent partying or catching up on shows has turned into watching each grow into the next chapter of their lives!

Britt O’Connor


Britt and Andi met years ago cocktailing tables together at House of Blues. It didn’t take long before the two became quite the bestie duo! Britt’s one of Andi’s room mates and they love being nerds and going on adventures together!

Jaycee Newman


Jaycee lives in Canada now but her and Andi go all the way back to High school ! Kindred spirits from the start - they have shared a lot of love and laughs over the years and continue to keep up with each other across the distance!

Rebecca Altig


One of Andi’s best girlfriends! They met working together at House of Blues and found out how alike they really were! They’re quick to text each other with a quick pick me up for the other and always get a laugh hanging together with Becca’s kids!

Johnie Bobenhausen


Andi and Johnie have known each other since high school but struck a friendship later when Andi moved back from California. The girls have always enjoyed the old soul of the other and continue keeping up with each other coast to coast!

Nate Bandy

Best Man

Mike and Nasty Nate quickly became buds working together at House of Blues before they ended up on rival softball teams. They lost touch after a few career changes but rekindled their friendship through their mutual love of dubstep at EDC and now the two of them text every damn day!!! Oh and they both UPGRAYEDDED

Mike Staunton

Best Man

Staunton and Proscia (as they were referred to since they had so many other Mike’s as friends) went to the same High School and lived a block away from each other but didn’t really become boys until summer school of their Junior year, which is probably a good thing, cuz that summer was a doozy!!! But they have matured from “borrowing” Staunton’s parent’s car and having way too many BBQ’s in their backyard. Staunton is a family man now with 3 beautiful children and a lovely wife and Proscia is on his way!!

Thomas Proscia


Da Chief and Mikey go as far back as one can, all the way to the womb! Thomas is 6 years older than Michael and growing up he made sure that Mikey knew that, by practicing all his favorite wrestling moves on his baby brother, the most popular being the figure four leg lock. Tom has gone on to become the Chief of Police for Elmsford, NY and can thank Mikey for all the years of preparation.

Randal Ricker


Randal helped Tommy beat up Mikey and his cousin Ryan during many a family get together in the basement of their house on Sesame St. (no lie) Fast forward 10 years and Mikey was living on Randal and Kristine’s (Michael’s sister) couch in Los Angeles and they quickly bonded over their love of video games and weed!! Since Mike has moved to Vegas Randal has visited multiple times a year only strengthening their bond and getting to know and love Andi!

Brian Panerali


When Hammer (Brian) moved to Vegas he got the job that Mike was also going for at the radio station so things didn’t start out too friendly. But after working together and realizing they had the same sense of humor and both came from the same background, they quickly became pals! But their friendship really strengthened as they tried to navigate the post-COVID work situation, taking on as many “Odd Jobs” as they could to make ends meet. Hammer has really been someone Mike can lean on when times get tough!

Steven O’Connor


Tuna Steve has been Mike and Andi’s roommate along with his better half Britt for the last 2 years and it has been nothing short of a blast!! They provide plenty of comic relief when tensions run high around the apartment and Cheekie (their pup) loves her boyfriend Steven, mostly b/c he gives her tuna treats! Steve has also become someone Mike can ask for advice in times of need plus he rolls one hell of a bocce ball as well!!

For all the days along the way
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