Maid of Honor
Amelia’s best friend since freshman year of high school. Many people confused Amelia and Sunny as sisters and many to this day still think they are sisters.
Best Man
Nick and Eddy first met at the bus stop in grade school when Eddy moved to town. From playing catch waiting for the bus to freshman football team to their hijinx in their high school and college years. Eddy has been the brother that Nick always wanted.
Amelia’s friend from Junior High. Amelia and Hannah were cheerleaders together, both in Competition League and High school Varsity.
Nick and Rick met on their 8th grade Hornets football team. Their friendship grew from hanging out after 2 a days to playing in State playoff games. Through college their conversations would range from sports to music to some more philosophical topics.
Sabrina and Amelia began working together at Longhorn Steakhouse some 5 years ago. Sabrina and her husband Jon frequently get together for breakfast or go on Chicago trips with Nick and Amelia on the weekends!
Sam and Nick first met being in the same Boy Scout troop, but did not start really becoming close friends till the end of their high school days. Sam would be the person that Nick would grab a drink with or smoke the very occasional cigar to get his mind off of things.