Booking Your Stay
Villa Petriolo offers stunning views, elegant accommodations, and enriching activities...but the most treasured aspect of this experience will be having our favorite people together in one place.
We have reserved exclusive use of the property for the weekend, which means guests are required to book a minimum 3-night stay at the Villa at our exclusive rate. Breakfast is included for all guests.
After RSVPing, Villa Petriolo will have your names and will be handling booking directly with each guest. Guests can contact booking services via phone or email anytime after Feb 1, 2024.
There are 41 suites on site, with 2-4 person capacity. Rooms will be on a first come, first serve basis. We will turn in a room list at the end of Jan and all bookings must be completed by April 15, 2024.
3 cots for children under 10 will be available for €60 per night.
If there are any questions regarding room booking, please reach out to us directly!