Matron of Honor
Molly is Amber's sister & built-in best friend. Since birth, Amber has been attached to Molly at the hip! They call each other at least 5 times a week, if not in a day. Molly is Amber's guide to the best sitcoms and comedy-drama series, Disney movies, and life advice. Amber has a lifetime of memories with Molly - there's not enough space! From watching all kinds of movies, letting Amber make Molly random concoction sandwiches, attending school field trips, and going on 12am Walmart runs during the holidays, these two are a dynamic duo.
Matron of Honor
Amber met Karlie in the fall of 2018 at BHSU when Adam and Karlie began dating. The two instantly hit it off and easily became best friends! Amber has so many favorite memories with Karlie from helping surprise her with a trip to Vegas, crying all night long to the newest romance/drama movies, to staying over at each other's dorm rooms - taking a polaroid to document the night of course. From attending hall programs to wedding planning, these two are inseparable.
Maggie is Ryan's younger sister and close friend to Amber. Maggie even helped Ryan start talking to Amber after they were "official." The two love spilling the tea together during late-night conversations over a few drinks. Maggie has always been there for Amber. Amber's favorite memory with Maggie is ditching Ryan in the Bahamas to go to breakfast and start the day poolside - since he wouldn't wake up earlier than noon. Maggie is one of the little sisters that Amber never had, but wouldn't change that for the world now having Maggie apart of her life.
Grace is Ryan's youngest sister and constantly greets Amber with the phrase, "Hey bestie!" Grace and Amber have a close bond and love trying the newest places in town, especially boba! Amber's favorite memory with "G" has to be the 4th of July 2021. At the very end of the fireworks, it was still so hot out. Amber and Grace went night swimming with some other essential 4th of July crew members, and it was a blast! Grace is also one of the little sisters that Amber never had, but she wouldn't change it for the world now having G in her life.
Best Man
Corwin is Ryan's longtime best friend from West Central. When Corwin and Ryan weren't working at the tree farm, they were checking out all of the newest chicken hubs in town and cruising the loop. They've also had many memorable kayaking trips. Ryan's favorite moment on one of the trips was when Corwin forgot the keys to the "chase" car. Hopefully, he doesn't forget the rings on the big day! They are best known for their shenanigans as "The JJ Bro's"
Brock is Ryan's younger brother and built-in gamer buddy. When they aren't talking smack about football rivalries, they enjoy their annual hunting trip out west in South Dakota. One of Ryan's fondest memories of Brock is when they were at the Vikings Wildcard playoff game against the Seahawks. Brock leaned over to Ryan at the end of the game before Blair Walsh attempted a kick and said, "Watch. He's gonna miss." And in true Vikings fashion, Brock was correct.
Bryce and Ryan met at BHSU and have been great buddies ever since. They were involved in Residence Life together as RA's, SRA's, and even Assistant Complex Directors the same year. They stay in touch while living across the state by connecting on XBOX as much as possible.
Spencer is Ryan's friend. They first met in high school, but ironically maintained a connection with the couple out west while in college at SDSMT and BHSU being only 45 minutes apart. Now, Spencer and Ryan live about two blocks away from each other!
Adam is a longtime friend of the couple, dating back to the Fall 2017 semester at BHSU. Soon, they were all hanging out in Amber's doorm room together - watching movies on the infamous futon, hanging out, or even participating in some questionable activities that most college kids do (drinking). When Karlie came into the picture, it was fate! The couples have gone on trips, spent holidays together, and have had the best weekend hangouts.
Honor Attendant
Amy Grace, as the couple calls her frequently, is a dear friend to both Ryan and Amber. Amy worked with Ryan in Residence Life at BHSU and she claims "best boss ever" whenever she talks about him. Amber and Amy have known each other a little longer but got extremely close when she and Ryan were working together. The girls had many education classes together and even graduated together. The two have stayed extremely close since graduation and call each other often. Amber's favorite memory with Amy is driving around Spearfish at least once a week to look at the wedding dress window downtown. Ryans's favorite memory with Amy is playing Call of Duty together during their meetings.