Best Woman
Chiarra and I have been best friends since the 5th grade. We do not have many childhood memories without each other. We can look at each others' faces, and have a full conversation with a look.
Best Woman
The best person I ever met in a parking lot. She is my co-parent. I could not imagine ever raising my children without her. Whatever I am lacking as a mother, she fills in the void.
Best Woman
She cusses like a sailor. She can tell anyone off, or roast them, and her words are so brilliantly orchestrated that it will take moments before anyone realizes how hilariously spot on she is. This is the talent that I loved about her first. I have never been as quick witted, and I admire this skill. Her quick thoughts and intuitions have always kept me safe.
Best Woman
Lacie and I have known each other for almost 13 years. I was intrigued by her ability to respectfully disagree using a vast vocabulary. Little did I know that we would go through many seasons of life together, with our lives mirroring each other. Lacie is my friend that we can go years without seeing each other, and pick up as if we saw each other yesterday. She is the friend that you show up for to cry with. and the friend that you show up to nap with.
Brother Rice. He is the smart brother. We grew up together.
Flower Child