The rate for this block of hotel rooms will be $116.00 per night. It includes a complimentary buffet breakfast and access to the indoor water park. The cut off date to book this hotel at the Wedding Rate is Friday, September 20th 2019.
Discount Code - Sorrell-Vincent Wedding
This rate is $119.00 per night and includes complimentary breakfast.
Discount Code - Vincent Wedding
The rate for this hotel is $129.00 per night. It includes complimentary breakfast. The cute off to book this hotel at the Wedding rate is August 23rd, 2019.
Discount Code - Sorrell-Vincent Wedding
October 4, 2019 8:00 pm - 2:00 am
A shuttle will be running from Brookside Barn (where the reception is taking place) back to all three hotels that we have blocks of rooms at :) Please feel free to enjoy the drinks & not have to worry about driving back to your hotel.