Matron of Honor
"Taylor and I met in college and became the best of friends when we got on line for DST. Just an example of how amazing she is - back in college, I was terrified of dogs and Taylor would drive to my apartment every single day to walk me inside because there were always loose dogs around. We always talk about however grateful we are to Delta Sigma Theta for bringing us together because there's absolutely no way in this world I could see my life without Taylor. Taylor is my soror, my line sister, my very best friend, but most accurately my sister. You being right next to me on this day is a dream come true. Love you girlfriend!"
Best Man
"I met Jimmy in 3rd grade at Ravenwood elementary he has been a staple in my life since then. We have done stupid boy things together throughout are entire life. I remember his wife legitimately telling us when we would leave the house "Don't go to Jail" not because we would be doing anything bad. But we would go jump a fence and sit in a hot tub at 2am. Me and jimmy will can have a competition on anything it can be who has the better job or a debate on whether clouds float or fly, you'd expect nothing less from brothers. Jimmy is one of my little brothers from another mother."
"Iesha - my bestest childhood friend. Iesha was the very first friend I made as a toddler - we went to the same daycare and she taught me how to tie my shoes. We lived in different school districts growing up but of course went to the same college, the best college - Mississippi State and were roommates. Let's also not forget, Iesha is the reason for the rise of Shaflocka. My life would not be the same without Iesha. She is my first and forever friend. Can't believe 30 years later, not a thing has changed about our friendship. Love you girl!"
"Josh I first met in elementary school playin popwarner football. My mom used to pick up josh to take him to football practice. Josh was my crack back blocker not only on the field but off the field. He always challenges me in everything. I can have a passionate conversation and want to punch him in the throat and then be taking a drink with him 5 mins later. He is a little brother from another mother."
"Ever since Destyn and I met on line for DST, she has been my baby sister. On line, she's #10 and I'm #11 - meaning I'm her back and she's my front, but I can say Destyn has always had my back. Between the both of us, since college, we've lived in 4 different states and always remained close. Thankfully, we are now both in Texas, live an hour apart, and see each other allll the time! Destyn and her boyfriend Felix are also the ones who introduced Jake and I to our new church home! We love her and couldn't imagine this day without our baby sis! Love you, Destynnn!"
"Jammes (this is what we used to call him in high school) this man I got to meet through Josh in high school and the three of us have been inseparable since no matter the distance. Most of you who know me now wouldn't expect me to be a shy person but I used to be. Matt who can talk to anyone about anything at anytime showed me that it's possible to talk to anyone. I can now talk to anyone ask Shalonda she gets annoyed. I owe Matt more than he knows if I wasn't able to talk to people like I do now I wouldn't be where I am at now. also he is the peace keeper in mine and Josh's passionate debates. He is another little brother from another mother."
"Tae Tae is my big cousin who I've always looked up to. Cousin Taelor was a trailblazer in her college years and continues to exceed limits as she excels through her adulthood. Since babies, cousin Tae has been my ride or die. When we both lived in Atlanta, everyone would always say "you never saw one without the other." She is the epitome of a young black queen who lives fearlessly and astounds us all. We have the best laughs and the realest conversations. My big cousin means the world to me, and there's no way this day would go without her being my side. This is a day we've talked about for a looonnggg time lol. Love you, cousin!"
"Sage I went to high school with but never really became friends with him until after high school when we were working out at the...high school. We had many escapades together like the great idea that his overly swollen ankle would go down if we drank more alcohol because alcohol thins your blood so the swelling should go down didn't work. Sage has been there for my life after high school pushing me, holding me accountable, and keeping me straight. he's the big brother from another mother."