The story of Allie and Ryan begins as a current day Cinderella story set in January of 2016. The two met at a social gathering at Florida State University and once Allie returned home, she realized that she and Ryan did not exchange information. Her glass slipper was the knowledge of Ryan's plan the following night. The next night, with the mission of giving Ryan her phone number, Allie got dressed and arrived at Cantina's to find Ryan. Seeing him and a large group of friends, she started to approach the group. She immediately chickened out. Walking back to her car she called best friend and bridesmaid Bailey to see if she would get dressed and go with her back to Cantina. Understanding the mission, Bailey jumped out of bed and became the best wing woman of all time. Together, they approached the large group and completed the mission. Fast forward a month later after a series of dates, the two went to the American fast-casual café, Newk's Eatery. It was on this date that Ryan asked Allie if she would like to be his girlfriend. She said no. But after a second attempt, the two became a couple, and have stayed that way ever since. The remainder of their college relationship included unforgettable nights at Doak Campbell Stadium where the declining football team almost won, happy hours at Pots (enough said), and drives around Tallahassee with no destination, just to get away from everything from time to time. Everything was truly okay as long as they had each other. Allie was the first to finish school and began her professional career at Chick-fil-A in Atlanta. Ryan also interviewed with Chick-fil-A. We'll leave it at that. The two were re-united upon Ryan's graduation in January of 2020, and continued their journey in the city that never sleeps: Smyrna. The Georgian Terrace holds a special place in their hearts, as it was upon the roof of this hotel during their senior year spring break that the two talked about their future in the place that would eventually become their home. They are excited and honored to have you be a part of that future on this special day.