    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Meet our friends and family that will be standing by our side on the big day!

Melissa Figone

Matron of Honor

Friend of the bride - est. 2016 Loves all things vintage and antiqued Her happy place is in the mountains

Andrew Figone

Best Man

Friend of the groom - est 2004 Has previously claimed Mike as a dependent on his taxes Saved Mike’s life from a chocolate chip cookie after administering the heimlich maneuver in high school

Briana McDonald

Matron of Honor

Friend of the bride - est. 2009 Loves the San Jose Sharks Has a Golden Retriever named Hank

Dietrich Scotten

Best Man

Friend of the groom - est 1999 Related to 2 US presidents: William and Benjamin Harrison Secretly good at karaoke

Tyler Lima


Friend of the bride - est. 2020 Loves everything sunny and bright Completed her first marathon in 2023

Zach Prosser


Friend of the groom - est 2004 Has trolled Mike in beer pong at least a dozen times Attended culinary school after high school

Mounia Wisniewski


Sister in law of the bride - est. 2019 Favorite dessert is cheesecake Loves doing embroidery

Devin DeWitt


Friend of the groom - est 1999 Learned how to operate a tractor before driving a car Once took a cross country road trip with Mike that led to many shenanigans worthy of a low budget film

Sadie Supernaw


Friend of the bride - est. 2018 Went to Western Colorado University on a basketball scholarship Is a gym teacher and coach at Sutter High School

Jon Garcia


Friend of the groom - est 1999 Half of the Potty Twins duo, after Coach Reynolds nicknamed him and Mike as Poop and Piss, respectively Favorite movie is The Sandlot

For all the days along the way
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