"Looking at life through opposite ends of the telescope." Painting courtesy of Constance Wu.
Visiting the Monterey Bay Aquarium in California
Viewing the solar eclipse on 8/21/17 from Salem, OR.
Mountain Day 2012! This is the anniversary of the day we met.
Canoeing near Lake Washington. We saw lots of bald eagles!
We dress up nice every now and again! Here, our excuse was a close friend's wedding.
Our Airbnb in Nashville was on a dairy farm! We got to meet the locals.
Kathleen bravely tries out her new Harvard-MIT gear on a trip to New Haven.
Walk on Hopkins Hill about an hour before Allen proposed to Kathleen.
On a swamp tour in New Orleans. Did you know that deep fried alligator tastes just like deep fried chicken?
Minutes after Allen submitted his thesis
After a fancy dinner in Seattle. Note Allen's favorite volcano in the background.