The two of us met our first year at Williams, on the school holiday called "Mountain Day." We were hiking with separate friend groups, but we somehow ended up walking together. Allen remembers thinking that Kathleen was cute and easy to talk to, and Kathleen was impressed by Allen's encyclopedic astronomical knowledge. Our paths didn't cross again until winter sophomore year, when a cloudy night at the observatory led Allen to try contra dancing. When Kathleen bumped into him on the floor, he was teaching a friend how to dance, which involved Allen dancing the "lady's part," complete with all the twirls and flourishes. Kathleen was deeply impressed by his gentle confidence and non-toxic masculinity, and asked him out two days later. Our first date was lunch in Paresky Dining Hall, which became stargazing on Cole Field. Nine and a half years later, on July 15, 2021, Allen proposed to Kathleen at sunset in the same field. She reciprocated with her own proposal on a hike in the Hoh Rainforest later the same summer. We both said yes!