Alisse's version: I kept seeing this cute guy viewing my OkCupid profile, but he wasn't messaging me. I said "screw it" and decided to message him first. We got along great and decided to meet up for pizza (very good choice Dylan, it's like you already knew me). Our first date was perfect. I remember texting my girlfriends afterwards telling them it was the best date I had ever been on. Dylan was so funny and easy to talk to. I've never felt so comfortable with someone so quickly. I didn't want to be too forward, but I was going out of town that weekend and I didn't want him to lose interest in me (online dating amiright?). So at the end of the date I asked if he wanted to go out again. The very next day lol. He still makes fun of me for it, but hey it worked right?!
Dylan's version: Alisse was hungry. we fed pepperoni to seagulls. every time I put sun tan lotion on her she jumped into the water immediately washing it off and was very badly burned as a result. I still have sand in my truck. i asked alisse to marry me on the beach. there was a lot of ugly crying.