7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Kick off the weekend with drinks and food at our favorite southern restaurant, hosted by Lee & Laurie Caplan. Come hungry for fried chicken, shrimp & grits, pecan pie bites and more! Dressy casual attire recommended (no jeans please)
4:30 pm
Semi-formal attire: cocktail dresses or gowns, jumpsuits, suits or tuxes suggested
Trolley transportation to the ceremony will be provided from The Alida and The Hampton Inn hotels at 3:30 (departing promptly at 3:45). We strongly urge you to take the trolleys since there is little to no available parking at the venues, even if you are not staying at the hotels.
5:30 pm - 10:30 pm
We will offer a variety of gourmet food stations rather than a set plated dinner. Plus drinks, dancing, and cake of course! Trolleys will be making trips back to the hotels throughout the night.