Downtown (6th St, 5th St, Red River), Austin, TX 78701
You can find live music any day of the week. If you're into a particular genre, we can help you find a bar or venue for that.
South Congress Avenue
South Congress Avenue, Austin, TX 78704
Lots of interesting shops, restaurants, and even more music venues here. You might catch some street performers out here as well.
(512) Brewing Company
407 Radam Lane, Austin, TX 78745, (512) 921-1545
There are far too many fantastic breweries in Austin for us to list them all. If you have a favorite style or type of beer, let us know. We'll recommend a brewery just for you!
Ego's Karaoke Bar
510 South Congress Avenue, Austin, TX 78704, (512) 474-7091
Our favorite place for karaoke. You'll feel like a start no matter how well you sing!
Kalahari Resorts Texas
3001 Kalahari Blvd, Round Rock, TX 78665, (512) 651-1000
We basically lived here for a month a few summers ago. So much to do here - huge indoor water park, huge arcade, indoor rock climbing, ropes course, laser tag, escape rooms, and more!