
Alexis & Adam

    Adam & Alexis

We are getting married!

Alexis Gazzano


Adam Tonner


February 16, 2025

Totowa, NJ
152 days152 d11 minutes11 min47 seconds47 s

Our Love Story

Alexis & Adam met at William Paterson University while they were both in college to become PE teachers. Throughout college they weren’t close; they were just in classes together. One night at the end of Alexis’s last semester a bunch of people decided to go out to Mother’s Ale House to celebrate the end of the semester. Both, Alexis & Adam went and Alexis initiated a conversation Adam. They had a great time talking and hanging out together, so the next morning Alexis reached out to Adam on social media. Adam woke up to a message from Alexis and he couldn’t have been happier. They were messaging back and forth for a while and exchanged cell phone numbers. Alexis & Adam began texting each other all the time, as well as hanging out frequently. Then, on July 24, 2018 Adam officially asked Alexis to be his girlfriend and she of course said yes! Fast forward a year, Alexis & Adam moved in together and got their first dog Poochy. About a year after that they move into their apartment they are currently living in and get their second dog Simba. Alexis & Adam share so many memories, laughs, vacations, and most importantly so much love together. After almost 5 years of being together, Alexis & Adam take their favorite vacation in December 2022. They go to Walt Disney World. Alexis is Disney obsessed and since they started dating Adam has grown to love it as well. They are in Magic Kingdom on Christmas Day having photos taken by a photographer and Adam proposes right in front of the castle! Alexis says YES and couldn’t be any happier! This was a dream come true for both-they hoped they would find someone as caring and loving as each other to one day marry.

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