Excited to let you know our wedding will be on June 11, 2022 in Alghero, Italy! To help with planning, please fill out this form: https://forms.gle/H8BdgPt1xuEcsc9F6 Sarebbe di grande aiuto per noi se poteste compilare il formulario https://forms.gle/H8BdgPt1xuEcsc9F6
Excited to let you know our wedding will be on June 11, 2022 in Alghero, Italy! To help with planning, please fill out this form: https://forms.gle/H8BdgPt1xuEcsc9F6 Sarebbe di grande aiuto per noi se poteste compilare il formulario https://forms.gle/H8BdgPt1xuEcsc9F6
June 11, 2022
Alghero Sardinia, Italy

Alessandra & Jonathan



Jonathan Sulami


Alessandra Macciotta

June 11, 2022

Alghero Sardinia, Italy

Our Story

A modern day love story. Boy meets girl in the cutest town in the most special island in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea. Girl teaches him Italian romance. She also teaches him to never drink cappuccino after breakfast or eat pizza before dinner.  She shares everything she knows about pasta, stick shift, scooters, aperitivos, and sailing. She reminds him it's the sea not ocean. She easily forgives him for eating pizza with his hands - she is clearly enthralled. Boy doesn't want to leave but he must. He comes back again and again. He teaches her about Uber and tex-mex. They meet up all over the world. He uses all his points, extended vacations from work, and just a bit of pursuing to see her again and again. He doesn't leave again. Luglio 2015 Ragazzo americano in vacanza incontra giovane italiana ad Alghero in Sardegna , una delle isole più belle nel mezzo del Mar Mediterraneo. Le distanze culturali e geografiche non semplificano la loro storia , ma dopo tanti voli , avventure ed ore di sonno passate al telefono i due troveranno finalmente la loro vita assieme . Jonathan impara a bere il cappuccino solo a colazione , ora guida lo scooter e non usa il cucchiaio per mangiare gli spaghetti. Alessandra continua a non amare Starbucks , sa come usare uber e non le dispiace il tex-mex. Giugno 2020 .. la storia é andata avanti , Alessandra e Jonathan si sposano!!!

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