We met by a crackling fire at a party in early January. However, I think the most egaging part of our story takes place in the events leading up to it. We'd been hearing each other's voices for months without knowing it. We had the same math class and I sat right in front of him for an entire semster. He regularly made me laugh, but I never put a name to the voice I'd been hearing. We also shared an entire friend group for a couple of years and still didn't meet. That night, we both went searching for a friend we couldn't find and passed each other many times, but still didn't meet. It wasn't until I was sitting in front of the firepit alone and freezing that we finally met. This attractive, lengthy, dark haired boy sat in a chair next to a girl he knew nothing about and offered her his jacket. Normally, I didn't talk to or accept help from strangers, but something about his voice was calming and felt oddly familiar, so I accepted it. From there, we talked as if there were no walls between us, like we could be no one at all or each other's most important someone. Instead of "so who do you know here" we asked "where would you go if you could be anywhere right now" and answered it with depth and honest thoughts. Eventually, upon realizing how much I was bonding with this stranger in just a few short moments, I panicked and threw the jacket back at him, making some excuses like "I'm not cold anymore, so I no longer need it, thank you". But when our mutual friends joined us soon after, he danced with them around the fire in the silliest way I could imagine. He made me smile and laugh, and my heart melted for the soul behind that voice. When I began to leave, I knew whoever he married would be a lucky person and I felt honored to have met someone so rare and beautiful, even just for a night, but a part of me wished I could be so lucky. I didn't even know his name, hadn't properly seen his face, yet I have never been more excited than when I heard "hey, wait!" from the same voice that asked me if I was cold earlier that night. The kind voice asked me for my number, and ran away before I could even get a name still. I would later learn it was "Garrett", but to me, his name will always be the melody by which he speaks. I am so glad I finally found your voice, because it was hard to know my heart was beating without the sound of your name written in every pulse. P.S. I love you