With COVID-19 pandemic, we require all guests to demonstrate proof of vaccination. Please see our "what to Expect..." tab for more information - proof of vaccination should be sent to aksquared2022@gmail.com at the time of your RSVP. Your safety is our priority.
With COVID-19 pandemic, we require all guests to demonstrate proof of vaccination. Please see our "what to Expect..." tab for more information - proof of vaccination should be sent to aksquared2022@gmail.com at the time of your RSVP. Your safety is our priority.
May 21, 2022
Indianapolis, Indiana

Aneesha & Anish

    Wedding Party
Half MandalaHalf Mandala

Wedding Party

Asha and Ramesh Kamath

Parents of the Bride

Sai and Suresh Karlapudi

Parents of the Groom

Caroline Ryker

Bridal Party

Mounish Karlapudi

Groom's Party

Steph Enyeart

Bridal Party

Shri Amarnath

Groom's Party

Ally Hollett

Bridal Party

Geoffrey Politinsky

Groom's Party

Mercedes Hollett

Bridal Party

Monling Ho

Groom's Party

Ishani Shah

Bridal Party

Jeremy Wu

Groom's Party

Neeti Shenoy

Bridal Party

Manuel Peredo

Groom's Party

Anjali Baliga

Bridal Party

Ravi Maddipati

Groom's Party

Archana Shenoy

Bridal Party

Ashok Kamath

Groom's Party

Michael Dial

Groom's Party

Lee Harris

Groom's Party

For all the days along the way
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