Once upon a time, in a small town nestled between rolling hills and serene landscapes, lived an island woman by the name of Wilma. Fate took an unexpected turn when she found herself intertwined with the life of a man named Keith. It all began when Wilma sold the first of many vehicles to the Crosby family. Little did she know that that transaction would mark the beginning of a beautiful love story. Over the years, Wilma and the Crosby family became close and their connection only deepened when tragedy struck the family, leading to a funeral for one of Keith's beloved relatives. Amidst the somber atmosphere of the funeral, Keith and Wilma first laid eyes on each other. Keith, moved by Wilma's compassion and strength during such a difficult time, felt a connection that went beyond the circumstances. He mustered the courage to ask his mother to inquire if Wilma would be open to him reaching out. To his delight, Wilma graciously agreed and on October 26, 2022 Keith dialed Wilma's number for the first time while at work. The initial conversation, intended as a brief introduction, stretched into a delightful 16-minute exchange. From that day forward, they spoke every night, sharing stories, dreams, and laughter. Their connection deepened over the passing months, and as the seasons changed, so did their relationship. Without her knowledge, he sought the blessings of her parents, her daughter and his kids to take the next step in the relationship with Wilma. With their presence and blessings on December 23, 2023, after attending a beautiful church service together, a heartwarming family dinner, and strolling through the enchanting BLORA annual light show, Keith found the perfect moment to express the depth of his feelings. Surrounded by her parents, all of their kids, candlelight, rose pedals, and with the magic of the Christmas season surrounding them, Keith got down on one knee and asked Wilma the most important question of his life. Overwhelmed with joy and love, Wilma said YES, sealing their fate in a moment that would be cherished forever. And so, from an unexpected connection through a vehicle sale to the solemnity of a funeral and the sparkle of holiday lights, Keith and Wilma's love story unfolded like a perfect chapter in the book of life, proving that sometimes the most beautiful tales are written in the most unexpected places.
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