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Photographers serving Columbus, OH

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Bree Lea Photography

5.0 (16)

Columbus, OH
Starts at $2,000
Awarded Best of Zola
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Danielle Williams Photography

5.0 (13)

Columbus, OH
Starts at $3,000
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Karly Christine Photography

5.0 (6)

Columbus, OH
Starts at $2,700
Awarded Best of Zola
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Logan & Co.

5.0 (6)

Columbus, OH
Fine Art
Starts at $3,000
Awarded Best of Zola
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The Delongs

5.0 (6)

Columbus, OH
Starts at $2,879
Awarded Best of Zola
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Haley Elizabeth Studios

5.0 (2)

Columbus, OH
Starts at $3,850
Awarded Best of Zola
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Comfort Photography

5.0 (2)

Columbus, OH
Starts at $3,100
Awarded Best of Zola
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Emergence Photography

5.0 (3)

Columbus, OH
Starts at $1,500
Awarded Best of Zola
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Erica Kay Photography

5.0 (1)

Columbus, OH
Starts at $3,000
View all (400+)

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Frequently asked questions

How much does a wedding photographer cost?

Wedding photographers early in their careers can cost as little as $1,500. Super experienced photographers, as seen in magazines like Vogue and Vanity Fair, can cost upwards of $30,000. The range is wide, but, in general, you can expect to spend around 10% of your budget on wedding photography. Rates also vary based on wedding length, the services you want, and location. A photographer based in an area with a lower cost of living, for example, will be less than one based in New York or San Francisco.

How much should we tip our wedding photographer?

A good rule of thumb is to tip 10% of their rate, or at least $100. If they’re bringing second photographers or assistants, an additional $50 to $75 per person is an appropriate and nice gesture.

What questions should we ask wedding photographers?

Aside from logistical questions about packages, pricing, and availability, it’s also important to use your conversation to get a sense of their personality. This person will be with you and your loved ones every step of your wedding day, including, if you want, in the dressing room! It’s very important that you and your partner both feel comfortable with them and their working style. Talk about your venue, how you want to feel when you look at your photos, and which photos from their portfolio you like best.

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