January 2020 - Zelie was back from Europe on a quick trip to visit family, and Xavier was on base back in Texas - neither knowing anything of the other. Zelie was mainly in VA visiting her sisters, but last minute decided to fly down to Georgia for a quick weekend beach trip where her parents were staying. Xavier's family was camping out right next door. One day Beatrice, Xavier's 7yr old sister at the time, came running up to Zelie and introduced herself, and started chatting. Very quickly after, she asked if Zelie would be in GA on Saturday, to which she answered no, she was only in town for three days. As soon as she answered, Beezy got disappointed and mentioned her brother was coming to town - and would really like her. Of course, that made Zelie laugh, but Mrs. Turpin become intrigued...they both looked him up on FB and told Z to message him, to which she profusely refused. Long story short, Zelie won that argument. That night, Zelie went out drinking with her mother, and sure enough, after a few too many glasses of champagne, Mama T brought it up again and Zelie caved and messaged him. Xavier, funnily enough, a few too many glasses of champagne in himself, answered the message and so started our story...