
Hope & Zane


The start of our forever


Zane Parchem


Hope Conner

September 7, 2024

Kenosha, WI

How we met 🤍


The start of our story begins before Zane even knew Hope existed. Amanda, Hope’s friend (and bridesmaid) had told Hope that her boyfriend’s roommate was really nice and fit all of her requirements in a man Hope was seeking. He was tall, smart, handsome, and extremely kind. Hope immediately took to Facebook and found Zane’s social media where she thought he was super cute! Zane and his two roommates had recently moved into a new house and were having a house warming party. Amanda, of course invited Hope to the party. Actually, Amanda didn’t give Hope a chance to say, “no”. Hope was hesitant as she was on call for work that night (sorry Ascension), but went anyway. The moment Hope walked into the room she spotted Zane on the couch. Everyone at the party was playing a game so, naturally, all eyes turned to Hope and Amanda as they walked in. The two girls joined in on the game. Then, without any encouragement at all from Amanda, Zane approached Hope and sparked a conversation! They immediately were intrigued by one another and continued to talk for a while. However, what really sold Zane on Hope was when he asked her to play bags in their backyard. Hope was absolutely rocking it, making every shot she threw. After Hope’s impressive performance, Zane was hooked and now, three years later, they are getting married! 🤍

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