PLEASE NOTE - When booking at this location please CALL 866-901-2961 to make your reservation and don't use the ONLINE reservation system. Mention the SCHAAD wedding to get your 10% discount This is the location where the wedding including reception etc will take place. There are alot of activities here if you stay. They have condo's units available for smaller groups or you can also get together with other guests coming and book a larger house location. They have alot of options available. By staying here you help us also make our lodging minimum for the wedding :) We will work with you if you want to stay on site!
Discount Code - Schaad / Lusk Wedding
This is a more inexpensive option to stay and it is really close only 20 minutes from Black Butte. I would recommend getting your reservations in early to stay here it will fill up fast!
There are several budget hotels in Bend that are only 44 minutes away if you choose. See the list at