4501 Torresdale Avenue is the address of the venue. Please enter through this entrance, NOT the entrance on Worth St. If you are taking an UBER/LYFT, please provide them with the address above!
Free street parking is available along Torresdale Avenue. There are parking spots available in a small lot available on a first come, first served basis located at 2158 Kinsey Street (Intersection of Kinsey & Worth). ***DO NOT LEAVE VALUABLES IN YOUR VEHICLE, ESPECIALLY IN PLAIN SIGHT
Yes, transportation will be provided to and from Hotel Monaco. More details to come. Information will be available on a print out in your welcome bag! Please let us know if you plan to stay at a different hotel, but plan to use the transportation!
5:30PM. Please try to arrive 10-15 minutes prior to start.
Please RSVP by March 1st, 2023.
Please contact Brittany and Gabe directly.
If your children are invited, they should show up when you search your first and last name on the RSVP page. If in doubt, search their first and last name as well. As much as we would have loved to include everyone, unfortunately our venue has a max occupancy. If you have any questions please contact Brittany and Gabe directly.